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Pellet distribution: the guide to spotting counterfeits

From ENplus a useful tool to avoid scams

From ENplus a useful tool to avoid scams

ENplus has issued a quick guide for detecting counterfeits in the distribution of pellets by tanker trucks. The general rule is that only ENplus-certified companies with their own ENplus identification code may deliver bulk pellets in a lorry and declare them as certified.

In order for the certification of pellets to be valid, the ENplus Manual stipulates that all companies in the supply chain that come into physical contact with loose pellets must be certified and have their own identification code to be indicated on the sales and delivery documents.

Non è ammesso commercializzare il pellet ENplus utilizzando il codice identificativo dell’azienda che ha rifornito l’azienda che lo vende e distribuisce. Quando questo accade, si configura un utilizzo illecito del marchio ENplus.

The exception to the general rule

The exception to the general rule

When an ENplus certified company, by means of a contracting agreement, uses another non-certified company to deliver its pellets by road tanker, the use of the identification code of the certified company is permitted.

Tuttavia, la vendita del pellet deve essere compiuta dall’azienda certificata e comprovata dai documenti di vendita; mentre l’azienda non certificata che consegna in autobotte non deve mai acquisire la proprietà del pellet e non può venderlo autonomamente. Inoltre, l’autobotte e/o l’azienda che distribuisce in conto terzi deve essere espressamente indicata nei documenti di certificazione ENplus (ad esempio, il certificato) rilasciati in favore dell’azienda certificata che si avvale del servizio di distribuzione.

This is a situation that should not be confused with the much more frequent case where the non-certified company sells the pellets using the identification code of its supplier, using the ENplus mark in an illicit manner.

Verification of code and company information

Verification of code and company information

The alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies ENplus-certified companies consists of a country code (2 letters) and a number between 001 and 299 for companies producing pellets, or between 300 and 899 for companies (distributors) marketing material supplied by other certified companies.

The respective databases can be reached at the following links:

In addition, the company name and address must correspond to the assigned code, the certificate must be valid, and the quality class (A1 or A2) must correspond, and the company's activities must include the delivery of loose pellets.

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